Partners of eligible Temporary visa and Citizens/Residence class visa holders can apply for Visitor / work or residence class visa based on their eligibility.
A partner can only get any relationship based visa if their partnership meets immigration requirements. Along with this, whether a partner can get a work visa or a visitor visa depends on whether the couple have lived together long enough to show genuineness and stability. For culturally arranged marriages, where the pair cannot cohabit before they marry, the pathway becomes convoluted as government’s stance on this matter changes time to time. Until border closure, culturally marriages could get a visitor visa if they could prove their relationship was genuine, stable and credible, even if they did not live together for a substantive period. Government’s discretion here was made to recognize the cultural restraints around cohabitation.
For residence applications, 12 months of living together is mandatory.
Available Visa Options :
- Partnership based Visitor visa
- Partnership based Work Visa
- Partnership based Residence class visa
- Culturally Arranged Marriage Visa